Canto 5: The Creative ImpetusChapter 2: The Activities of Mahārāja Āgnīdhra

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 5.2.22

āgnīdhro rājātṛptaḥ kāmānām apsarasam evānudinam adhi-manyamānas tasyāḥ salokatāḿ śrutibhir avārundha yatra pitaro mādayante


āgnīdhraḥĀgnīdhra; rājā — the King; atṛptaḥ — not satisfied; kāmānām — with sense gratification; apsarasam — the celestial woman (Pūrvacitti); eva — certainly; anudinam — day after day; adhi — exceedingly; manyamānaḥ — thinking of; tasyāḥ — of her; sa-lokatām — promotion to the same planet; śrutibhiḥ — by the Vedas; avārundha — got; yatra — where; pitaraḥ — the forefathers; mādayante — take pleasure.


After Pūrvacitti's departure, King Āgnīdhra, his lusty desires not at all satisfied, always thought of her. Therefore, in accordance with the Vedic injunctions, the King, after his death, was promoted to the same planet as his celestial wife. That planet, which is called Pitṛloka, is where the pitās, the forefathers, live in great delight.


If one always thinks of something, he certainly gets a related body after death. Mahārāja Āgnīdhra was always thinking of Pitṛloka, the place where his wife had returned. Therefore after his death he achieved that same planet, probably to live with her again. Bhagavad-gītā also says:

yaḿ yaḿ vāpi smaran bhāvaḿ

tyajaty ante kalevaram

taḿ tam evaiti kaunteya

sadā tad-bhāva-bhāvitaḥ

"Whatever state of being one remembers when he quits his body, that state he will attain without fail." (Bg. 8.6) We can naturally conclude that if we always think of Kṛṣṇa or become fully Kṛṣṇa conscious, we can be promoted to the planet of Goloka Vṛndāvana, where Kṛṣṇa eternally lives.

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