Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 10: The Battle Between the Demigods and Vṛtrāsura

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.10.19-22

namuciḥ śambaro 'narvā

dvimūrdhā ṛṣabho 'suraḥ

hayagrīvaḥ śańkuśirā

vipracittir ayomukhaḥ

pulomā vṛṣaparvā ca

prahetir hetir utkalaḥ

daiteyā dānavā yakṣā

rakṣāḿsi ca sahasraśaḥ




mṛtyor api durāsadam

abhyardayann asambhrāntāḥ

siḿha-nādena durmadāḥ

gadābhiḥ parighair bāṇaiḥ



namuciḥNamuci; śambaraḥŚambara; anarvāAnarvā; dvimūrdhāDvimūrdhā; ṛṣabhaḥṚṣabha; asuraḥAsura; hayagrīvaḥHayagrīva; śańkuśirāḥ — Śańkuśirā; vipracittiḥ — Vipracitti; ayomukhaḥ — Ayomukha; pulomāPulomā; vṛṣaparvāVṛṣaparvā; ca — also; prahetiḥ — Praheti; hetiḥ — Heti; utkalaḥUtkala; daiteyāḥ — the Daityas; dānavāḥ — the Dānavas; yakṣāḥ — the Yakṣas; rakṣāḿsi — the Rākṣasas; ca — and; sahasraśaḥ — by the thousands; sumāli-māli-pramukhāḥ — others, headed by Sumāli and Māli; kārtasvara — of gold; paricchadāḥ — dressed in ornaments; pratiṣidhya — keeping back; indra-senā-agram — the front of Indra's army; mṛtyoḥ — for death; api — even; durāsadam — difficult to approach; abhyardayan — harassed; asambhrāntāḥ — without fear; siḿha-nādena — with a sound like a lion; durmadāḥ — furious; gadābhiḥ — with clubs; parighaiḥ — with iron-studded bludgeons; bāṇaiḥ — with arrows; prāsa-mudgara-tomaraiḥ — with barbed missiles, mallets and lances.


Many hundreds and thousands of demons, demi-demons, Yakṣas, Rākṣasas [man-eaters] and others, headed by Sumāli and Māli, resisted the armies of King Indra, which even death personified cannot easily overcome. Among the demons were Namuci, Śambara, Anarvā, Dvimūrdhā, Ṛṣabha, Asura, Hayagrīva, Śańkuśirā, Vipracitti, Ayomukha, Pulomā, Vṛṣaparvā, Praheti, Heti and Utkala. Roaring tumultuously and fearlessly like lions, these invincible demons, all dressed in golden ornaments, gave pain to the demigods with weapons like clubs, bludgeons, arrows, barbed darts, mallets and lances.

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