Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 12: Vṛtrāsura's Glorious Death

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.12.32

bhittvā vajreṇa tat-kukṣiḿ

niṣkramya bala-bhid vibhuḥ

uccakarta śiraḥ śatror

giri-śṛńgam ivaujasā


bhittvā — piercing; vajreṇa — by the thunderbolt; tat-kukṣim — the abdomen of Vṛtrāsura; niṣkramya — getting out; bala-bhit — the slayer of the demon Bala; vibhuḥ — the powerful Lord Indra; uccakarta — cut off; śiraḥ — the head; śatroḥ — of the enemy; giri-śṛńgam — the peak of a mountain; iva — like; ojasā — with great force.


With his thunderbolt, King Indra, who was also extremely powerful, pierced through Vṛtrāsura's abdomen and came out. Indra, the killer of the demon Bala, then immediately cut off Vṛtrāsura's head, which was as high as the peak of a mountain.

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