Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 14: King Citraketu's Lamentation

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.14.47

tasyās tadākarṇya bhṛśāturaḿ svaraḿ

ghnantyāḥ karābhyām ura uccakair api

praviśya rājñī tvarayātmajāntikaḿ

dadarśa bālaḿ sahasā mṛtaḿ sutam


tasyāḥ — of her (the maidservant); tadā — at that time; ākarṇya — hearing; bhṛśa-āturam — highly regretful and agitated; svaram — voice; ghnantyāḥ — striking; karābhyām — with the hands; uraḥ — the chest; uccakaiḥ — loudly; api — also; praviśya — entering; rājñī — the Queen; tvarayā — hastily; ātmaja-antikam — near her son; dadarśa — she saw; bālam — the child; sahasā — suddenly; mṛtam — dead; sutam — son.


In great agitation, the maidservant struck her breast with both hands and cried loudly in regretful words. Hearing her loud voice, the Queen immediately came, and when she approached her son, she saw that he was suddenly dead.

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