Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 14: King Citraketu's Lamentation

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.14.53

stana-dvayaḿ kuńkuma-pańka-maṇḍitaḿ

niṣiñcatī sāñjana-bāṣpa-bindubhiḥ

vikīrya keśān vigalat-srajaḥ sutaḿ

śuśoca citraḿ kurarīva susvaram


stana-dvayam — her two breasts; kuńkuma — with kuńkuma powder (which is generally sprayed on the breasts of women); pańka — ointment; maṇḍitam — decorated; niṣiñcatī — moistening; sa-añjana — mixed with the eye ointment; bāṣpa — of tears; bindubhiḥ — by drops; vikīrya — scattering; keśān — hair; vigalat — was falling down; srajaḥ — on which the flower garland; sutam — for her son; śuśoca — lamented; citram — variegated; kurarī iva — like a kurarī bird; su-svaramin a very sweet voice.


The garland of flowers decorating the Queen's head fell, and her hair scattered. Falling tears melted the collyrium on her eyes and moistened her breasts, which were covered with kuńkuma powder. As she lamented the loss of her son, her loud crying resembled the sweet sound of a kurarī bird.

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