Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 14: King Citraketu's Lamentation

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.14.57

uttiṣṭha tāta ta ime śiśavo vayasyās

tvām āhvayanti nṛpa-nandana saḿvihartum

suptaś ciraḿ hy aśanayā ca bhavān parīto

bhuńkṣva stanaḿ piba śuco hara naḥ svakānām


uttiṣṭha — kindly get up; tāta — my dear son; te — they; ime — all these; śiśavaḥ — children; vayasyāḥ — playmates; tvām — you; āhvayantiare calling; nṛpa-nandanaO son of the King; saḿvihartumto play with; suptaḥ — you have slept; ciram — for a long time; hi — indeed; aśanayā — by hunger; ca — also; bhavān — you; parītaḥ — overcome; bhuńkṣva — please eat; stanam — at the breast (of your mother); piba — drink; śucaḥ — lamentation; hara — just dissipate; naḥ — of us; svakānām — your relatives.


My dear son, you have slept a long time. Now please get up. Your playmates are calling you to play. Since you must be very hungry, please get up and suck my breast and dissipate our lamentation.

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