Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 18: Diti Vows to Kill King Indra

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.18.26

āśāsānasya tasyedaḿ

dhruvam unnaddha-cetasaḥ

mada-śoṣaka indrasya

bhūyād yena suto hi me


āśāsānasya — thinking; tasya — of him; idam — this (body); dhruvam — eternal; unnaddha-cetasaḥ — whose mind is unrestrained; mada-śoṣakaḥ — who can remove the madness; indrasya — of Indra; bhūyāt — may there be; yena — by which; sutaḥa son; hi — certainly; me — of me.


Diti thought: Indra considers his body eternal, and thus he has become unrestrained. I therefore wish to have a son who can remove Indra's madness. Let me adopt some means to help me in this.


One who is in the bodily conception of life is compared in the śāstras to animals like cows and asses. Diti wanted to punish Indra, who had become like a lower animal.

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