Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 18: Diti Vows to Kill King Indra

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.18.63

tam ūcuḥ pāṭyamānās te

sarve prāñjalayo nṛpa

kiḿ na indra jighāḿsasi

bhrātaro marutas tava


tamto him; ūcuḥ — said; pāṭyamānāḥ — being aggrieved; te — they; sarve — all; prāñjalayaḥ — with folded hands; nṛpaO King; kim — why; naḥ — us; indraO Indra; jighāḿsasido you want to kill; bhrātaraḥ — brothers; marutaḥ — Maruts; tava — your.


O King, being very much aggrieved, they pleaded to Indra with folded hands, saying, "Dear Indra, we are the Maruts, your brothers. Why are you trying to kill us?"

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