Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 18: Diti Vows to Kill King Indra

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.18.62

cakarta saptadhā garbhaḿ

vajreṇa kanaka-prabham

rudantaḿ saptadhaikaikaḿ

mā rodīr iti tān punaḥ


cakartahe cut; sapta-dhā — into seven pieces; garbham — the embryo; vajreṇa — by his thunderbolt; kanaka — of gold; prabham — which had the appearance; rudantam — crying; sapta-dhā — into seven pieces; eka-ekam — each one; rodīḥdo not cry; iti — thus; tān — them; punaḥ — again.


After entering Diti's womb, Indra, with the help of his thunderbolt, cut into seven pieces her embryo, which appeared like glowing gold. In seven places, seven different living beings began crying. Indra told them, "Do not cry," and then he cut each of them into seven pieces again.


Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura remarks that Indra, by his yogic power, first expanded the body of the one Marut into seven, and then when he cut each of the seven parts of the original body into pieces, there were forty-nine. When each body was cut into seven, other living entities entered the new bodies, and thus they were like plants, which become separate entities when cut into various parts and planted on a hill. The first body was one, and when it was cut into many pieces, many other living entities entered the new bodies.

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