Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 19: Performing the Puḿsavana Ritualistic Ceremony

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.19.16

tataḥ stuvīta stotreṇa

bhakti-prahveṇa cetasā

yajñocchiṣṭam avaghrāya

punar abhyarcayed dharim


tataḥ — then; stuvīta — one should praise; stotreṇa — with prayers; bhakti — with devotion; prahveṇa — humble; cetasā — with a mind; yajña-ucchiṣṭam — the remnants of sacrifice; avaghrāya — smelling; punaḥ — again; abhyarcayet — one should worship; harim — Lord Viṣṇu.


Thereafter, with devotion and humility, one should offer prayers to the Lord and mother Lakṣmī. Then one should smell the remnants of the food offered and then again worship the Lord and Lakṣmījī.

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