Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 2: Ajāmila Delivered by the Viṣṇudūtas

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.2.21

iti pratyuditā yāmyā

dūtā yātvā yamāntikam

yama-rājñe yathā sarvam

ācacakṣur arindama


iti — thus; pratyuditāḥ — having been replied to (by the order carriers of Viṣṇu); yāmyāḥ — the servants of Yamarāja; dūtāḥ — the messengers; yātvā — going; yama-antikamto the abode of Lord Yamarāja; yama-rājñe — unto King Yamarāja; yathā — duly; sarvam — everything; ācacakṣuḥ — informed in full detail; arindamaO subduer of the enemies.


My dear Mahārāja Parīkṣit, O subduer of all enemies, after the servants of Yamarāja had been answered by the order carriers of Lord Viṣṇu, they went to Yamarāja and explained to him everything that had happened.


In this verse the word pratyuditāḥ is very significant. The servants of Yamarāja are so powerful that they can never be hindered anywhere, but this time they were baffled and disappointed in their attempt to take away a man they considered sinful. Therefore they immediately returned to Yamarāja and described to him everything that had happened.

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