Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 6: The Progeny of the Daughters of Dakṣa

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.6.38-39

athātaḥ śrūyatāḿ vaḿśo

yo 'diter anupūrvaśaḥ

yatra nārāyaṇo devaḥ

svāḿśenāvātarad vibhuḥ

vivasvān aryamā pūṣā

tvaṣṭātha savitā bhagaḥ

dhātā vidhātā varuṇo

mitraḥ śatru urukramaḥ


atha — thereafter; ataḥ — now; śrūyatām — let it be heard; vaḿśaḥ — the dynasty; yaḥ — which; aditeḥ — from Aditi; anupūrvaśaḥin chronological order; yatra — wherein; nārāyaṇaḥ — the Supreme Personality of Godhead; devaḥ — the Lord; sva-aḿśena — by His own plenary expansion; avātarat — descended; vibhuḥ — the Supreme; vivasvānVivasvān; aryamāAryamā; pūṣāPūṣā; tvaṣṭāTvaṣṭā; atha — thereafter; savitāSavitā; bhagaḥBhaga; dhātāDhātā; vidhātāVidhātā; varuṇaḥVaruṇa; mitraḥMitra; śatruḥŚatru; urukramaḥUrukrama.


Now please hear me as I describe the descendants of Aditi in chronological order. In this dynasty the Supreme Personality of Godhead Nārāyaṇa descended by His plenary expansion. The names of the sons of Aditi are as follows: Vivasvān, Aryamā, Pūṣā, Tvaṣṭā, Savitā, Bhaga, Dhātā, Vidhātā, Varuṇa, Mitra, Śatru and Urukrama.

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