Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 7: Indra Offends His Spiritual Master, Bṛhaspati.

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.7.20

tāḿs tathābhyarditān vīkṣya

bhagavān ātmabhūr ajaḥ

kṛpayā parayā deva

uvāca parisāntvayan


tān — them (the demigods); tathāin that way; abhyarditān — afflicted by the weapons of the demons; vīkṣya — seeing; bhagavān — the most powerful; ātma-bhūḥ — Lord Brahmā; ajaḥ — who was not born like an ordinary human being; kṛpayā — out of causeless mercy; parayā — great; devaḥ — Lord Brahmā; uvāca — said; parisāntvayan — pacifying them.


When the most powerful Lord Brahmā saw the demigods coming toward him, their bodies gravely injured by the arrows of the demons, he pacified them by his great causeless mercy and spoke as follows.

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