Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 8: The Nārāyaṇa-kavaca Shield

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.8.11

ātmānaḿ paramaḿ dhyāyed

dhyeyaḿ ṣaṭ-śaktibhir yutam


imaḿ mantram udāharet


ātmānam — the self; paramam — the supreme; dhyāyet — one should meditate on; dhyeyam — worthy to be meditated on; ṣaṭ-śaktibhiḥ — the six opulences; yutam — possessed of; vidyā — learning; tejaḥ — influence; tapaḥ — austerity; mūrtim — personified; imam — this; mantrammantra; udāharet — should chant.


After finishing this chanting, one should think himself qualitatively one with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is full in six opulences and is worthy to be meditated upon. Then one should chant the following protective prayer to Lord Nārāyaṇa, the Nārāyaṇa-kavaca.

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His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda, Founder Ācārya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness