Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 8: The Nārāyaṇa-kavaca Shield

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.8.23

cakraḿ yugāntānala-tigma-nemi

bhramat samantād bhagavat-prayuktam

dandagdhi dandagdhy ari-sainyam āśu

kakṣaḿ yathā vāta-sakho hutāśaḥ


cakram — the disc of the Lord; yuga-anta — at the end of the millennium; anala — like the fire of devastation; tigma-nemi — with a sharp rim; bhramat — wandering; samantāt — on all sides; bhagavat-prayuktam — being engaged by the Lord; dandagdhi dandagdhi — please burn completely, please burn completely; ari-sainyam — the army of our enemies; āśu — immediately; kakṣam — dry grass; yathā — like; vāta-sakhaḥ — the friend of the wind; hutāśaḥ — blazing fire.


Set into motion by the Supreme Personality of Godhead and wandering in all the four directions, the disc of the Supreme Lord has sharp edges as destructive as the fire of devastation at the end of the millennium. As a blazing fire burns dry grass to ashes with the assistance of the breeze, may that Sudarśana cakra burn our enemies to ashes.

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