Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 15: Bali Mahārāja Conquers the Heavenly Planets

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.15.8-9

athāruhya rathaḿ divyaḿ

bhṛgu-dattaḿ mahārathaḥ

susrag-dharo 'tha sannahya

dhanvī khaḍgī dhṛteṣudhiḥ



rarāja ratham ārūḍho

dhiṣṇya-stha iva havyavāṭ


atha — thereupon; āruhya — getting on; ratham — the chariot; divyam — celestial; bhṛgu-dattam — given by Śukrācārya; mahā-rathaḥBali Mahārāja, the great charioteer; su-srak-dharaḥ — decorated with a nice garland; atha — thus; sannahya — covering his body with armor; dhanvī — equipped with a bow; khaḍgī — taking a sword; dhṛta-iṣudhiḥ — taking a quiver of arrows; hema-ańgada-lasat-bāhuḥ — decorated with golden bangles on his arms; sphurat-makara-kuṇḍalaḥ — decorated with brilliant earrings resembling sapphires; rarāja — was illuminating; ratham ārūḍhaḥ — getting on the chariot; dhiṣṇya-sthaḥ — situated on the altar of sacrifice; iva — like; havya-vāṭ — worshipable fire.


Then, after getting on the chariot given by Śukrācārya, Bali Mahārāja, decorated with a nice garland, put protective armor on his body, equipped himself with a bow, and took up a sword and a quiver of arrows. When he sat down on the seat of the chariot, his arms decorated with golden bangles and his ears with sapphire earrings, he shone like a worshipable fire.

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