Antya-līlāChapter 1: Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī's Second Meeting With the Lord

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Antya 1.177

nija-praṇayitāḿ sudhām udayam āpnuvan yaḥ kṣitau

kiraty alam urī-kṛta-dvija-kulādhirāja-sthitiḥ

sa luñcita-tamas-tatir mama śacī-sutākhyaḥ śaśī

vaśī-kṛta-jagan-manāḥ kim api śarma vinyasyatu


nija-praṇayitām — own devotional love; sudhām — the nectar; udayam — appearance; āpnuvan — obtaining; yaḥ — one who; kṣitau — on the surface of the world; kirati — expands; alam — extensively; urī-kṛta — accepted; dvija-kula-adhirāja-sthitiḥ — the situation of the most exalted of the brāhmaṇa community; saḥHe; luñcita — driven away; tamaḥ — of darkness; tatiḥ — mass; mama — my; śacī-suta-ākhyaḥ — known as Śacīnandana, the son of mother Śacī; śaśī — the moon; vaśī-kṛta — subdued; jagat-manāḥ — the minds of the whole world; kim api — somehow; śarma — auspiciousness; vinyasyatu — let it be bestowed.


"'The moonlike Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is known as the son of mother Śacī, has now appeared on earth to spread devotional love of Himself. He is the emperor of the brāhmaṇa community. He can drive away all the darkness of ignorance and control the mind of everyone in the world. May that rising moon bestow upon us all good fortune.'"


This is the third verse of Act One of the Lalita-mādhava.

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