Antya-līlāChapter 17: The Bodily Transformations of Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Antya 17.35

kailā jagate veṇu-dhvani, siddha-mantrā yoginī

dūtī hañā mohe nārī-mana

mahotkaṇṭhā bāḍāñā, ārya-patha chāḍāñā,

āni' tomāya kare samarpaṇa


kailā — You have made; jagatein the world; veṇu-dhvani — the vibration of the flute; siddha-mantrā — perfected in chanting mantras; yoginīa female mystic; dūtīa messenger; hañā — being; mohe — enchants; nārī-mana — the minds of women; mahā-utkaṇṭhā — great anxiety; bāḍāñā — increasing; ārya-patha — the regulative principles; chāḍāñā — inducing to give up; āni' — bringing; tomāyato You; kare samarpaṇa — delivers.


When You play Your flute, the vibration acts like a messenger in the form of a yoginī perfect in the art of chanting mantras. This messenger enchants all the women in the universe and attracts them to You. Then she increases their great anxiety and induces them to give up the regulative principle of obeying superiors. Finally, she forcibly brings them to You to surrender in amorous love.

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