Canto 10: The Summum BonumChapter 36: The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.36.30

gaccha nanda-vrajaḿ tatra

sutāv ānakadundubheḥ

āsāte tāv ihānena

rathenānaya mā ciram


gacchago; nanda-vrajamto the cowherd village of Nanda; tatra — there; sutau — the two sons; ānakadundubheḥ — of Vasudeva; āsāteare living; tau — Them; iha — here; anena — by this; rathena — chariot; ānaya — bring; ciram — without delay.


Please go to Nanda's village, where the two sons of Ānakadundubhi are living, and without delay bring Them here on this chariot.


Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī gives the following interesting note: "When King Kaḿsa said 'with this chariot,' he pointed with his index finger to a brand-new, attractive chariot. Kaḿsa thought that since Akrūra was innocent by nature, when he saw this fine, new vehicle he would naturally want to drive it and quickly bring the two boys back. But the actual reason Akrūra went on a new chariot was that it would have been clearly inappropriate for the Supreme Personality of Godhead to mount a chariot that had already been enjoyed by the wicked Kaḿsa."

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