Canto 10: The Summum BonumChapter 57: Satrājit Murdered, the Jewel Returned

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.57.24

ahaḿ vaideham icchāmi

draṣṭuḿ priyatamaḿ mama

ity uktvā mithilāḿ rājan

viveśa yada-nandanaḥ


ahamI; vaideham — the King of Videha; icchāmi — wish; draṣṭumto see; priya-tamam — who is most dear; mamato Me; iti — thus; uktvā — saying; mithilāmMithilā (the capital of the Videha kingdom); rājanO King (Parīkṣit); viveśa — entered; yadu-nandanaḥ — Lord Balarāma, the descendant of Yadu.


"I wish to visit King Videha, who is most dear to Me." O King, having said this, Lord Balarāma, the beloved descendant of Yadu, entered the city of Mithilā.


Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma had finally caught up with Śatadhanvā on the outskirts of Mithilā. Since the king of this city was a dear friend of Balarāma's, the Lord decided to enter the city and spend some time there.

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