Canto 10: The Summum BonumChapter 57: Satrājit Murdered, the Jewel Returned

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.57.23

tata āha balo nūnaḿ

sa maṇiḥ śatadhanvanā

kasmiḿścit puruṣe nyastas

tam anveṣa puraḿ vraja


tataḥ — then; āha — said; balaḥ — Lord Balarāma; nūnam — certainly; saḥ — that; maṇiḥ — jewel; śatadhanvanā — by Śatadhanvā; kasmiḿścit — with some particular; puruṣe — person; nyastaḥ — left; tam — him; anveṣa — search out; puramto the city; vrajago.


To this Lord Balarāma replied, "Indeed, Śatadhanvā must have placed the jewel in the care of someone. You should return to Our city and find that person.

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