Canto 10: The Summum BonumChapter 88: Lord Śiva Saved from Vṛkāsura

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.88.33

yadi vas tatra viśrambho

dānavendra jagad-gurau

tarhy ańgāśu sva-śirasi

hastaḿ nyasya pratīyatām


yadi — if; vaḥ — your; tatrain him; viśrambhaḥ — faith; dānava-indraO best of the demons; jagat — of the universe; gurauas the spiritual master; tarhi — then; ańga — My dear friend; āśu — right now; sva — your own; śirasi — on the head; hastam — your hand; nyasya — placing; pratīyatām — just observe.


O best of the demons, if you have any faith in him because he is the spiritual master of the universe, then without delay put your hand on your head and see what happens.

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