Canto 12: The Age of DeteriorationChapter 3: The Bhūmi-gītā

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 12.3.29

yadā lobhas tv asantoṣo

māno dambho 'tha matsaraḥ

karmaṇāḿ cāpi kāmyānāḿ

dvāparaḿ tad rajas-tamaḥ


yadā — when; lobhaḥ — greed; tu — indeed; asantoṣaḥ — dissatisfaction; mānaḥ — false pride; dambhaḥ — hypocrisy; atha — and; matsaraḥ — envy; karmaṇām — of activities; ca — and; api — also; kāmyānām — selfish; dvāparam — the age of Dvāpara; tat — that; rajaḥ-tamaḥ — predominated by a mixture of the modes of passion and ignorance.


When greed, dissatisfaction, false pride, hypocrisy and envy become prominent, along with attraction for selfish activities, such a time is the age of Dvāpara, dominated by the mixed modes of passion and ignorance.

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