Canto 12: The Age of DeteriorationChapter 3: The Bhūmi-gītā

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 12.3.48



nātyanta-śuddhiḿ labhate 'ntarātmā

yathā hṛdi-sthe bhagavaty anante


vidyā — by worship of demigods; tapaḥ — austerities; prāṇa-nirodha — exercise of breath control; maitrī — compassion; tīrtha-abhiṣeka — bathing in holy places; vrata — strict vows; dāna — charity; japyaiḥ — and chanting of various mantras; na — not; atyanta — complete; śuddhim — purification; labhate — can achieve; antaḥ-ātmā — the mind; yathāas; hṛdi-sthe — when He is present within the heart; bhagavati — the Personality of Godhead; anante — the unlimited Lord.


By one's engaging in the processes of demigod worship, austerities, breath control, compassion, bathing in holy places, strict vows, charity and chanting of various mantras, one's mind cannot attain the same absolute purification as that achieved when the unlimited Personality of Godhead appears within one's heart.

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