Canto 12: The Age of DeteriorationChapter 3: The Bhūmi-gītā

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 12.3.47

yathā hemni sthito vahnir

durvarṇaḿ hanti dhātu-jam

evam ātma-gato viṣṇur

yoginām aśubhāśayam


yathā — just as; hemniin gold; sthitaḥ — situated; vahniḥ — fire; durvarṇam — the discoloration; hanti — destroys; dhātu-jam — due to the taint of other metals; evamin the same way; ātma-gataḥ — having entered the soul; viṣṇuḥ — Lord Viṣṇu; yoginām — of the yogīs; aśubha-āśayam — the dirty mind.


Just as fire applied to gold removes any discoloration caused by traces of other metals, Lord Viṣṇu within the heart purifies the minds of the yogīs.


Although one may practice the mystic yoga system, his actual spiritual advancement is due to the mercy of the Supreme Lord within the heart; it is not directly the result of his austerity and meditation. If one becomes foolishly proud in the name of yoga, his spiritual position becomes ridiculous.

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