Canto 5: The Creative ImpetusChapter 18: The Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambūdvīpa

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 5.18.16

atīva sulalita-gati-vilāsa-vilasita-rucira-hāsa-leśāvaloka-līlayā kiñcid-uttambhita-sundara-bhrū-maṇḍala-subhaga-vadanāravinda-śriyā ramāḿ ramayann indriyāṇi ramayate


atīva — very much; su-lalita — beautiful; gati — with movements; vilāsa — by pastimes; vilasita — manifested; rucira — pleasing; hāsa-leśa — mild smiling; avaloka-līlayā — by playful glancing; kiñcit-uttambhita — slightly raised; sundara — beautiful; bhrū-maṇḍala — by the eyebrows; subhaga — auspicious; vadana-aravinda-śriyā — with His beautiful lotuslike face; ramām — the goddess of fortune; ramayan — pleasing; indriyāṇi — all the senses; ramayateHe pleases.


In Ketumāla-varṣa, Lord Kāmadeva [Pradyumna] moves very graciously. His mild smile is very beautiful, and when He increases the beauty of His face by slightly raising His eyebrows and glancing playfully, He pleases the goddess of fortune. Thus He enjoys His transcendental senses.

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