Canto 5: The Creative ImpetusChapter 19: A Description of the Island of Jambūdvīpa

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 5.19.17-18

etāsām apo bhāratyaḥ prajā nāmabhir eva punantīnām ātmanā copaspṛśanti; candravasā tāmraparṇī avaṭodā kṛtamālā vaihāyasī kāverī veṇī payasvinī śarkarāvartā tuńgabhadrā kṛṣṇāveṇyā bhīmarathī godāvarī nirvindhyā payoṣṇī tāpī revā surasā narmadā carmaṇvatī sindhur andhaḥ śoṇaś ca nadau mahānadī vedasmṛtir ṛṣikulyā trisāmā kauśikī mandākinī yamunā sarasvatī dṛṣadvatī gomatī sarayū rodhasvatī saptavatī suṣomā śatadrūś candrabhāgā marudvṛdhā vitastā asiknī viśveti mahā-nadyaḥ


etāsām — of all these; apaḥ — water; bhāratyaḥ — of Bhārata-varṣa (India); prajāḥ — the residents; nāmabhiḥ — by the names; eva — only; punantīnāmare purifying; ātmanā — by the mind; ca — also; upaspṛśanti — touch; candra-vasāCandravasā; tāmra-parṇīTāmraparṇī; avaṭodāAvaṭodā; kṛta-mālāKṛtamālā; vaihāyasīVaihāyasī; kāverīKāverī; veṇīVeṇī; payasvinīPayasvinī; śarkarāvartāŚarkarāvartā; tuńga-bhadrā — Tuńgabhadrā; kṛṣṇā-veṇyā — Kṛṣṇāveṇyā; bhīma-rathī — Bhīmarathī; godāvarīGodāvarī; nirvindhyāNirvindhyā; payoṣṇīPayoṣṇī; tāpīTāpī; revāRevā; surasāSurasā; narmadāNarmadā; carmaṇvatīCarmaṇvatī; sindhuḥSindhu; andhaḥAndha; śoṇaḥŚoṇa; ca — and; nadau — two rivers; mahā-nadī — Mahānadī; veda-smṛtiḥ — Vedasmṛti; ṛṣi-kulyā — Ṛṣikulyā; tri-sāmā — Trisāmā; kauśikīKauśikī; mandākinīMandākinī; yamunāYamunā; sarasvatīSarasvatī; dṛṣadvatīDṛṣadvatī; gomatīGomatī; sarayūSarayū; rodhasvatīRodhasvatī; saptavatīSaptavatī; suṣomāSuṣomā; śata-drūḥ — Śatadrū; candrabhāgāCandrabhāgā; marudvṛdhāMarudvṛdhā; vitastāVitastā; asiknīAsiknī; viśvāViśvā; iti — thus; mahā-nadyaḥ — big rivers.


Two of the rivers — the Brahmaputra and the Śoṇa — are called nadas, or main rivers. These are other great rivers that are very prominent: Candravasā, Tāmraparṇī, Avaṭodā, Kṛtamālā, Vaihāyasī, Kāverī, Veṇī, Payasvinī, Śarkarāvartā, Tuńgabhadrā, Kṛṣṇāveṇyā, Bhīmarathī, Godāvarī, Nirvindhyā, Payoṣṇī, Tāpī, Revā, Surasā, Narmadā, Carmaṇvatī, Mahānadī, Vedasmṛti, Ṛṣikulyā, Trisāmā, Kauśikī, Mandākinī, Yamunā, Sarasvatī, Dṛṣadvatī, Gomatī, Sarayū, Rodhasvatī, Saptavatī, Suṣomā, Śatadrū, Candrabhāgā, Marudvṛdhā, Vitastā, Asiknī and Viśvā. The inhabitants of Bhārata-varṣa are purified because they always remember these rivers. Sometimes they chant the names of these rivers as mantras, and sometimes they go directly to the rivers to touch them and bathe in them. Thus the inhabitants of Bhārata-varṣa become purified.


All these rivers are transcendental. Therefore one can be purified by remembering them, touching them or bathing in them. This practice is still going on.

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