Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 1: The History of the Life of Ajāmila

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.1.3

adharma-lakṣaṇā nānā

narakāś cānuvarṇitāḥ

manvantaraś ca vyākhyāta

ādyaḥ svāyambhuvo yataḥ


adharma-lakṣaṇāḥ — symptomized by impious activities; nānā — various; narakāḥ — hells; ca — also; anuvarṇitāḥ — have been described; manu-antaraḥ — the change of Manus [in one day of Brahmā there are fourteen Manus]; ca — also; vyākhyātaḥ — has been described; ādyaḥ — the original; svāyambhuvaḥ — directly the son of Lord Brahmā; yataḥ — wherein.


You have also described [at the end of the Fifth Canto] the varieties of hellish life that result from impious activities, and you have described [in the Fourth Canto] the first manvantara, which was presided over by Svāyambhuva Manu, the son of Lord Brahmā.

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