Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 1: The History of the Life of Ajāmila

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.1.66

yatas tataś copaninye

nyāyato 'nyāyato dhanam

babhārāsyāḥ kuṭumbinyāḥ

kuṭumbaḿ manda-dhīr ayam


yataḥ tataḥ — wherever possible, however possible; ca — and; upaninyehe got; nyāyataḥ — properly; anyāyataḥ — improperly; dhanam — money; babhārahe maintained; asyāḥ — of her; kuṭum-binyāḥ — possessing many sons and daughters; kuṭumbam — the family; manda-dhīḥ — bereft of all intelligence; ayam — this person (Ajāmila).


Although born of a brāhmaṇa family, this rascal, bereft of intelligence because of the prostitute's association, earned money somehow or other, regardless of whether properly or improperly, and used it to maintain the prostitute's sons and daughters.

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