Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 10: The Battle Between the Demigods and Vṛtrāsura

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.10.13-14

athendro vajram udyamya

nirmitaḿ viśvakarmaṇā

muneḥ śaktibhir utsikto


vṛto deva-gaṇaiḥ sarvair

gajendropary aśobhata

stūyamāno muni-gaṇais

trailokyaḿ harṣayann iva


atha — thereafter; indraḥ — the King of heaven; vajram — the thunderbolt; udyamya — firmly taking up; nirmitam — manufactured; viśvakarmaṇā — by Viśvakarmā; muneḥ — of the great sage, Dadhīci; śaktibhiḥ — by the power; utsiktaḥ — saturated; bhagavat — of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; tejasā — with spiritual power; anvitaḥ — endowed; vṛtaḥ — encircled; deva-gaṇaiḥ — by the other demigods; sarvaiḥ — all; gajendra — of his elephant carrier; upari — upon the back; aśobhata — shone; stūyamānaḥ — being offered prayers; muni-gaṇaiḥ — by the saintly persons; trai-lokyamto the three worlds; harṣayan — causing pleasure; ivaas it were.


Thereafter, King Indra very firmly took up the thunderbolt manufactured by Viśvakarmā from the bones of Dadhīci. Charged with the exalted power of Dadhīci Muni and enlightened by the power of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Indra rode on the back of his carrier, Airāvata, surrounded by all the demigods, while all the great sages offered him praise. Thus he shone very beautifully, pleasing the three worlds as he rode off to kill Vṛtrāsura.

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