Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 10: The Battle Between the Demigods and Vṛtrāsura

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.10.27

tān akṣatān svastimato niśāmya

śastrāstra-pūgair atha vṛtra-nāthāḥ

drumair dṛṣadbhir vividhādri-śṛńgair

avikṣatāḿs tatrasur indra-sainikān


tān — them (the soldiers of the demigods); akṣatān — not injured; svasti-mataḥ — being very healthy; niśāmya — seeing; śastra-astra-pūgaiḥ — by the bunches of weapons and mantras; atha — thereupon; vṛtra-nāthāḥ — the soldiers led by Vṛtrāsura; drumaiḥ — by the trees; dṛṣadbhiḥ — by the stones; vividha — various; adri — of mountain s; śṛńgaiḥ — by the peaks; avikṣatān — not injured; tatrasuḥ — became afraid; indra-sainikān — the soldiers of King Indra.


When the soldiers of the demons, commanded by Vṛtrāsura, saw that the soldiers of King Indra were quite well, having not been injured at all by their volleys of weapons, not even by the trees, stones and mountain peaks, the demons were very much afraid.

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