Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 11: The Transcendental Qualities of Vṛtrāsura

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.11.7

tena deva-gaṇāḥ sarve

vṛtra-visphoṭanena vai

nipetur mūrcchitā bhūmau

yathaivāśaninā hatāḥ


tena — by that; deva-gaṇāḥ — the demigods; sarve — all; vṛtra-visphoṭanena — the tumultuous sound of Vṛtrāsura; vai — indeed; nipetuḥ — fell; mūrcchitāḥ — fainted; bhūmau — on the ground; yathā — just as if; eva — indeed; aśaninā — by a thunderbolt; hatāḥ — struck.


When all the demigods heard Vṛtrāsura's tumultuous roar, which resembled that of a lion, they fainted and fell to the ground as if struck by thunderbolts.

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