Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 11: The Transcendental Qualities of Vṛtrāsura

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.11.8

mamarda padbhyāḿ sura-sainyam āturaḿ

nimīlitākṣaḿ raṇa-rańga-durmadaḥ

gāḿ kampayann udyata-śūla ojasā

nālaḿ vanaḿ yūtha-patir yathonmadaḥ


mamarda — trampled; padbhyām — by his feet; sura-sainyam — the army of the demigods; āturam — who were very afraid; nimīlita-akṣam — closing their eyes; raṇa-rańga-durmadaḥ — arrogant on the battlefield; gām — the surface of the globe; kampayan — causing to tremble; udyata-śūlaḥ — taking up his trident; ojasā — with his strength; nālam — of hollow bamboo sticks; vanama forest; yūtha-patiḥan elephant; yathā — just as; unmadaḥ — maddened.


As the demigods closed their eyes in fear, Vṛtrāsura, taking up his trident and making the earth tremble with his great strength, trampled the demigods beneath his feet on the battlefield the way a mad elephant tramples hollow bamboos in the forest.

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