Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 13: King Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.13.16

tāvat triṇākaḿ nahuṣaḥ śaśāsa


sa sampad-aiśvarya-madāndha-buddhir

nītas tiraścāḿ gatim indra-patnyā


tāvat — for so long; triṇākam — the heavenly planet; nahuṣaḥNahuṣa; śaśāsa — ruled; vidyā — by education; tapaḥ — austerities; yoga — mystic power; bala — and strength; anubhāvaḥ — being equipped; saḥhe (Nahuṣa); sampat — of so much wealth; aiśvarya — and opulence; mada — by the madness; andha — blinded; buddhiḥ — his intelligence; nītaḥ — was brought; tiraścām — of a snake; gatimto the destination; indra-patnyā — by Indra's wife Śacīdevī.


As long as King Indra lived in the water, wrapped in the stem of the lotus, Nahuṣa was equipped with the ability to rule the heavenly kingdom, due to his knowledge, austerity and mystic power. Nahuṣa, however, blinded and maddened by power and opulence, made undesirable proposals to Indra's wife with a desire to enjoy her. Thus Nahuṣa was cursed by a brāhmaṇa and later became a snake.

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