Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 14: King Citraketu's Lamentation

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.14.30

sāpi tat-prāśanād eva

citraketor adhārayat

garbhaḿ kṛtadyutir devī

kṛttikāgner ivātmajam


— she; api — even; tat-prāśanāt — by eating the remnants of food from the great sacrifice; eva — indeed; citraketoḥ — from King Citraketu; adhārayat — bore; garbham — pregnancy; kṛtadyutiḥ — Queen Kṛtadyuti; devī — the goddess; kṛttikāKṛttikā; agneḥ — from Agni; ivaas; ātma-jama son.


As Kṛttikādevī, after receiving the semen of Lord Śiva from Agni, conceived a child named Skanda [Kārttikeya], Kṛtadyuti, having received semen from Citraketu, became pregnant after eating remnants of food from the yajña performed by Ańgirā.

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