Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 14: King Citraketu's Lamentation

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.14.33

hṛṣṭo rājā kumārasya

snātaḥ śucir alańkṛtaḥ

vācayitvāśiṣo vipraiḥ

kārayām āsa jātakam


hṛṣṭaḥ — very happy; rājā — the King; kumārasya — of his newly born son; snātaḥ — having bathed; śuciḥ — being purified; alańkṛtaḥ — being decorated with ornaments; vācayitvā — having caused to be spoken; āśiṣaḥ — words of benediction; vipraiḥ — by learned brāhmaṇas; kārayām āsa — caused to be performed; jātakam — the birth ceremony.


King Citraketu was especially pleased. After purifying himself by bathing and by decorating himself with ornaments, he engaged learned brāhmaṇas in offering benedictions to the child and performing the birth ceremony.

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