Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 14: King Citraketu's Lamentation

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.14.45

śayānaḿ suciraḿ bālam

upadhārya manīṣiṇī

putram ānaya me bhadre

iti dhātrīm acodayat


śayānam — lying down; su-ciram — for a long time; bālam — the son; upadhārya — thinking; manīṣiṇī — very intelligent; putram — the son; ānaya — bring; me — unto me; bhadreO gentle friend; iti — thus; dhātrīm — unto the nurse; acodayat — gave the order.


Thinking that her child had been sleeping for a long time, Queen Kṛtadyuti, who was certainly very intelligent, ordered the nurse, "My dear friend, please bring my son here."

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