Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 14: King Citraketu's Lamentation

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.14.49

tato nṛpāntaḥpura-vartino janā

narāś ca nāryaś ca niśamya rodanam

āgatya tulya-vyasanāḥ suduḥkhitās

tāś ca vyalīkaḿ ruruduḥ kṛtāgasaḥ


tataḥ — thereafter; nṛpaO King; antaḥpura-vartinaḥ — the inhabitants of the palace; janāḥ — all the people; narāḥ — the men; ca — and; nāryaḥ — the women; ca — also; niśamya — hearing; rodanam — loud crying; āgatya — coming; tulya-vyasanāḥ — being equally aggrieved; su-duḥkhitāḥ — very greatly lamenting; tāḥ — they; ca — and; vyalīkam — pretentiously; ruruduḥ — cried; kṛta-āgasaḥ — who had committed the offense (by giving the poison).


O King Parīkṣit, hearing the loud crying, all the inhabitants of the palace came, both men and women. Being equally aggrieved, they also began to cry. The queens who had administered the poison also cried pretentiously, knowing full well their offense.

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