Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 18: Diti Vows to Kill King Indra

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.18.53

striyo vīravatīś cārcet


patiḿ cārcyopatiṣṭheta

dhyāyet koṣṭha-gataḿ ca tam


striyaḥ — women; vīra-vatīḥ — possessing husbands and sons; ca — and; arcet — she should worship; srak — with garlands; gandha — sandalwood; bali — presentations; maṇḍanaiḥ — and with ornaments; patim — the husband; ca — and; ārcya — worshiping; upatiṣṭheta — should offer prayers; dhyāyet — should meditate; koṣṭha-gatam — situated in the womb; ca — also; tam — upon him.


With flower garlands, sandalwood pulp, ornaments and other paraphernalia, a woman following this vow should worship women who have sons and whose husbands are living. The pregnant wife should worship her husband and offer him prayers. She should meditate upon him, thinking that he is situated in her womb.


The child in the womb is a part of the husband's body. Therefore the husband, through his representative, indirectly remains within the womb of his pregnant wife.

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