Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 4: The Haḿsa-guhya Prayers

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.4.15

alaḿ dagdhair drumair dīnaiḥ

khilānāḿ śivam astu vaḥ

vārkṣī hy eṣā varā kanyā

patnītve pratigṛhyatām


alam — enough; dagdhaiḥ — with burning; drumaiḥ — the trees; dīnaiḥ — poor; khilānām — of the remainder of the trees; śivam — all good fortune; astu — let there be; vaḥ — of you; vārkṣī — raised by the trees; hi — indeed; eṣā — this; varā — choice; kanyā — daughter; patnītve — into wifehood; pratigṛhyatām — let her be accepted.


There is no need to burn these poor trees any longer. Let whatever trees still remain be happy. Indeed, you should also be happy. Now, here is a beautiful, well-qualified girl named Māriṣā, who was raised by the trees as their daughter. You may accept this beautiful girl as your wife.

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