Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 6: The Progeny of the Daughters of Dakṣa

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.6.24-26

punaḥ prasādya taḿ somaḥ

kalā lebhe kṣaye ditāḥ

śṛṇu nāmāni lokānāḿ

mātṝṇāḿ śańkarāṇi ca

atha kaśyapa-patnīnāḿ

yat-prasūtam idaḿ jagat

aditir ditir danuḥ kāṣṭhā

ariṣṭā surasā ilā

muniḥ krodhavaśā tāmrā

surabhiḥ saramā timiḥ

timer yādo-gaṇā āsan

śvāpadāḥ saramā-sutāḥ


punaḥ — again; prasādya — pacifying; tam — him (Prajāpati Dakṣa); somaḥ — the moon-god; kalāḥ — portions of light; lebhe — achieved; kṣayein gradual destruction (the dark fortnight); ditāḥ — removed; śṛṇu — please hear; nāmāni — all the names; lokānām — of the planets; mātṝṇām — of the mothers; śańkarāṇi — pleasing; ca — also; atha — now; kaśyapa-patnīnām — of the wives of Kaśyapa; yat-prasūtam — from whom was born; idam — this; jagat — whole universe; aditiḥ — Aditi; ditiḥDiti; danuḥDanu; kāṣṭhāKāṣṭhā; ariṣṭāAriṣṭā; surasāSurasā; ilāIlā; muniḥMuni; krodhavaśāKrodhavaśā; tāmrāTāmrā; surabhiḥSurabhi; saramāSaramā; timiḥTimi; timeḥ — from Timi; yādaḥ-gaṇāḥ — the aquatics; āsan — appeared; śvāpadāḥ — the ferocious animals like the lions and tigers; saramā-sutāḥ — the children of Saramā.


Thereafter the King of the moon pacified Prajāpati Dakṣa with courteous words and thus regained the portions of light he had lost during his disease. Nevertheless he could not beget children. The moon loses his shining power during the dark fortnight, and in the bright fortnight it is manifest again. O King Parīkṣit, now please hear from me the names of Kaśyapa's wives, from whose wombs the population of the entire universe has come. They are the mothers of almost all the population of the entire universe, and their names are very auspicious to hear. They are Aditi, Diti, Danu, Kāṣṭhā, Ariṣṭā, Surasā, Ilā, Muni, Krodhavaśā, Tāmrā, Surabhi, Saramā and Timi. From the womb of Timi all the aquatics took birth, and from the womb of Saramā the ferocious animals like the tigers and lions took birth.

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