Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 9: Appearance of the Demon Vṛtrāsura

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.9.18

yenāvṛtā ime lokās

tapasā tvāṣṭra-mūrtinā

sa vai vṛtra iti proktaḥ

pāpaḥ parama-dāruṇaḥ


yena — by whom; āvṛtāḥ — covered; ime — all these; lokāḥ — planets; tapasā — by the austerity; tvāṣṭra-mūrtināin the form of the son of Tvaṣṭā; saḥhe; vai — indeed; vṛtraḥVṛtra; iti — thus; proktaḥ — called; pāpaḥ — personified sin; parama-dāruṇaḥ — very fearful.


That very fearful demon, who was actually the son of Tvaṣṭā, covered all the planetary systems by dint of austerity. Therefore he was named Vṛtra, or one who covers everything.


In the Vedas it is said, sa imān lokān āvṛṇot tad vṛtrasya vṛtratvam: because the demon covered all the planetary systems, his name was Vṛtrāsura.

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