Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 11: King Indra Annihilates the Demons

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.11.36

so 'yaḿ pratihato vajro

mayā mukto 'sure 'lpake

nāhaḿ tad ādade daṇḍaḿ

brahma-tejo 'py akāraṇam


saḥ ayam — therefore, this thunderbolt; pratihataḥ — repelled; vajraḥ — thunderbolt; mayā — by me; muktaḥ — released; asure — unto that demon; alpake — less important; na — not; ahamI; tat — that; ādade — hold; daṇḍamit is now just like a rod; brahma-tejaḥas powerful as a brahmāstra; api — although; akāraṇam — now it is useless.


But now, although the same thunderbolt has been released against a less important demon, it has been ineffectual. Therefore, although it was as good as a brahmāstra, it has now become useless like an ordinary rod. I shall therefore hold it no longer.

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