Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 12: The Mohinī-mūrti Incarnation Bewilders Lord Śiva

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.12.23

tasyāḥ karāgrāt sa tu kanduko yadā

gato vidūraḿ tam anuvrajat-striyāḥ

vāsaḥ sasūtraḿ laghu māruto 'harad

bhavasya devasya kilānupaśyataḥ


tasyāḥ — of the beautiful woman; kara-agrāt — from the hand; saḥ — that; tu — but; kandukaḥ — the ball; yadā — when; gataḥhad gone; vidūram — far off; tam — that ball; anuvrajat — began to follow; striyāḥ — of that woman; vāsaḥ — the covering dress; sa-sūtram — with the belt; laghu — because of being very fine; mārutaḥ — the breeze; aharat — blew away; bhavasya — while Lord Śiva; devasya — the chief demigod; kila — indeed; anupaśyataḥ — was always looking.


When the ball leaped from Her hand and fell at a distance, the woman began to follow it, but as Lord Śiva observed these activities, a breeze suddenly blew away the fine dress and belt that covered her.

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