Canto 1: CreationChapter 9: The Passing Away of Bhīṣmadeva in the Presence of Lord Kṛṣṇa

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 1.9.13

saḿsthite 'tirathe pāṇḍau

pṛthā bāla-prajā vadhūḥ

yuṣmat-kṛte bahūn kleśān

prāptā tokavatī muhuḥ


saḿsthite — after the demise; ati-rathe — of the great general; pāṇḍauPāṇḍu; pṛthāKuntī; bāla-prajā — having young children; vadhūḥ — my daughter-in-law; yuṣmat-kṛte — on your account; bahūn — multifarious; kleśān — afflictions; prāptā — underwent; toka-vatīin spite of having grown-up boys; muhuḥ — constantly.


As far as my daughter-in-law Kuntī is concerned, upon the great General Pāṇḍu's death, she became a widow with many children, and therefore she suffered greatly. And when you were grown up she suffered a great deal also because of your actions.


The sufferings of Kuntīdevī are doubly lamented. She suffered greatly because of early widowhood and to get her minor children brought up in the royal family. And when her children were grown up, she continued to suffer because of her sons' actions. So her sufferings continued. This means that she was destined to suffer by providence, and this one has to tolerate without being disturbed.

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