Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 12: Vṛtrāsura's Glorious Death

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.12.27-29

mahā-prāṇo mahā-vīryo

mahā-sarpa iva dvipam

kṛtvādharāḿ hanuḿ bhūmau

daityo divy uttarāḿ hanum



daḿṣṭrābhiḥ kāla-kalpābhir

grasann iva jagat-trayam


ākṣipaḿs tarasā girīn

giri-rāṭ pāda-cārīva

padbhyāḿ nirjarayan mahīm

jagrāsa sa samāsādya

vajriṇaḿ saha-vāhanam


mahā-prāṇaḥ — very great in bodily strength; mahā-vīryaḥ — showing uncommon prowess; mahā-sarpaḥ — the biggest snake; iva — like; dvipaman elephant; kṛtvā — placing; adharām — the lower; hanum — jaw; bhūmau — on the ground; daityaḥ — the demon; diviin the sky; uttarām hanum — the upper jaw; nabhaḥ — like the sky; gambhīra — deep; vaktreṇa — with his mouth; leliha — like a snake; ulbaṇa — fearful; jihvayā — with a tongue; daḿṣṭrābhiḥ — with teeth; kāla-kalpābhiḥ — exactly like the time factor, or death; grasan — devouring; ivaas if; jagat-trayam — the three worlds; ati-mātra — very high; mahā-kāyaḥ — whose great body; ākṣipan — shaking; tarasā — with great force; girīn — the mountains; giri-rāṭ — the Himalaya Mountains; pāda-cārī — moving on foot; ivaas if; padbhyām — by his feet; nirjarayan — crushing; mahīm — the surface of the world; jagrāsa — swallowed; saḥhe; samāsādya — reaching; vajriṇamIndra, who carries the thunderbolt; saha-vāhanam — with his carrier, the elephant.


Vṛtrāsura was very powerful in physical strength and influence. He placed his lower jaw on the ground and his upper jaw in the sky. His mouth became very deep, like the sky itself, and his tongue resembled a large serpent. With his fearful, deathlike teeth, he seemed to be trying to devour the entire universe. Thus assuming a gigantic body, the great demon Vṛtrāsura shook even the mountains and began crushing the surface of the earth with his legs, as if he were the Himalayas walking about. He came before Indra and swallowed him and Airāvata, his carrier, just as a big python might swallow an elephant.

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