Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 14: King Citraketu's Lamentation

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.14.23

citraketur uvāca

bhagavan kiḿ na viditaḿ


yogināḿ dhvasta-pāpānāḿ

bahir antaḥ śarīriṣu


citraketuḥ uvāca — King Citraketu replied; bhagavanO most powerful sage; kim — what; na — not; viditam — is understood; tapaḥ — by austerity; jñāna — knowledge; samādhibhiḥ — and by samādhi (trance, transcendental meditation); yoginām — by the great yogīs or devotees; dhvasta-pāpānām — who are fully freed from all sinful reactions; bahiḥ — externally; antaḥ — internally; śarīriṣuin conditioned souls, who have material bodies.


King Citraketu said: O great lord Ańgirā, because of austerity, knowledge and transcendental samādhi, you are freed from all the reactions of sinful life. Therefore, as a perfect yogī, you can understand everything external and internal regarding embodied, conditioned souls like us.

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