Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 14: King Citraketu's Lamentation

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.14.26

tataḥ pāhi mahā-bhāga

pūrvaiḥ saha gataḿ tamaḥ

yathā tarema duṣpāraḿ

prajayā tad vidhehi naḥ


tataḥ — therefore, because of this; pāhi — kindly save; mahā-bhāgaO great sage; pūrvaiḥ saha — along with my forefathers; gatam — gone; tamaḥto darkness; yathāso that; tarema — we can cross; duṣpāram — very difficult to cross; prajayā — by getting a son; tat — that; vidhehi — kindly do; naḥ — for us.


Therefore, O great sage, please save me and my forefathers, who are descending to the darkness of hell because I have no progeny. Kindly do something so that I may have a son to deliver us from hellish conditions.


According to Vedic civilization, one gets married simply to have a son, who is needed to offer oblations to his forefathers. King Citraketu responsibly desired to beget a child so that he and his forefathers might be delivered from the darkest regions. He was concerned with how to get piṇḍa, oblations, in the next life, not only for himself but also for his forefathers. Therefore he requested Ańgirā Ṛṣi to favor him by doing something that could help him get a son.

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