Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 8: The Nārāyaṇa-kavaca Shield

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.8.1-2


yayā guptaḥ sahasrākṣaḥ

savāhān ripu-sainikān

krīḍann iva vinirjitya

tri-lokyā bubhuje śriyam

bhagavaḿs tan mamākhyāhi

varma nārāyaṇātmakam

yathātatāyinaḥ śatrūn

yena gupto 'jayan mṛdhe


śrī-rājā uvāca — King Parīkṣit said; yayā — by which (the spiritual armor); guptaḥ — protected; sahasra-akṣaḥ — the thousand-eyed King Indra; sa-vāhān — with their carriers; ripu-sainikān — the soldiers and commanders of the enemies; krīḍan iva — just like playing; vinirjitya — conquering; tri-lokyāḥ — of the three worlds (the higher, middle and lower planetary systems); bubhuje — enjoyed; śriyam — the opulence; bhagavanO great sage; tat — that; mama — unto me; ākhyāhi — please explain; varma — defensive armor made of a mantra; nārāyaṇa-ātmakam — consisting of the mercy of Nārāyaṇa; yathāin which way; ātatāyinaḥ — who were endeavoring to kill him; śatrūn — enemies; yena — by which; guptaḥ — being protected; ajayat — conquered; mṛdhein the fight.


King Parīkṣit inquired from Śukadeva Gosvāmī: My lord, kindly explain the Viṣṇu mantra armor that protected King Indra and enabled him to conquer his enemies, along with their carriers, and enjoy the opulence of the three worlds. Please explain to me that Nārāyaṇa armor, by which King Indra achieved success in battle, conquering the enemies who were endeavoring to kill him.

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