Canto 12: The Age of DeteriorationChapter 3: The Bhūmi-gītā

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 12.3.37


hitvā saurata-sauhṛdāḥ


dīnāḥ straiṇāḥ kalau narāḥ


pitṛ — their fathers; bhrātṛ — brothers; suhṛt — well-wishing friends; jñātīn — and immediate relatives; hitvā — giving up; saurata — based on sexual relationships; sauhṛdāḥ — their conception of friendship; nanāndṛ — with their wives' sisters; śyāla — and wives' brothers; saḿvādāḥ — associating regularly; dīnāḥ — wretched; straiṇāḥ — effeminate; kalauin Kali-yuga; narāḥ — the men.


In Kali-yuga men will be wretched and controlled by women. They will reject their fathers, brothers, other relatives and friends and will instead associate with the sisters and brothers of their wives. Thus their conception of friendship will be based exclusively on sexual ties.

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